Primary Section
Our curriculum, derived from the IPC, the IB Learner Profile, current research and best practices from around the world, supports our aim of helping children to develop holistically, to become life-long learners and to grow socially, emotionally, physically, morally, creatively and academically. In addition, we actively encourage all our students to develop and recognise these four key attributes, vital for success in life: resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness and reflectiveness (The 4Rs)
We cater for a wide range of student needs and our Student Support Service Teams provide effective assistance to students newly learning English as a Second Language (ESL), students with Specific Learning Difficulties and those with social and emotional needs.
The Primary School is also fully committed to establishing positive and effective home-school partnerships. We actively encourage and expect all our parents to participate not only in their own child’s education but also in the wider life of the school. For those with time available, there is a strong parent volunteer programme providing valuable support for teachers in class and beyond. There is also a rich calendar of extracurricular community events, and information evenings to which parents are warmly welcomed.
A child’s time in Primary School is very special, whether they are taking their first steps away from mum and dad or preparing to move onto their next phase of education in the Upper Secondary Section or in other schools around the world. We are proud of our commitment to making their experience during their time with us rewarding and positive
We trust that, as you browse through the Primary Section of the site, you’ll find answers to many questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.
Rex Geissler - Primary Head Teacher
Primary Section
Our curriculum, derived from the IPC, the IB Learner Profile, current research and best practices from around the world, supports our aim of helping children to develop holistically, to become life-long learners and to grow socially, emotionally, physically, morally, creatively and academically. In addition, we actively encourage all our students to develop and recognise these four key attributes, vital for success in life: resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness and reflectiveness (The 4Rs)
We cater for a wide range of student needs and our Student Support Service Teams provide effective assistance to students newly learning English as a Second Language (ESL), students with Specific Learning Difficulties and those with social and emotional needs.
The Primary School is also fully committed to establishing positive and effective home-school partnerships. We actively encourage and expect all our parents to participate not only in their own child’s education but also in the wider life of the school. For those with time available, there is a strong parent volunteer programme providing valuable support for teachers in class and beyond. There is also a rich calendar of extracurricular community events, and information evenings to which parents are warmly welcomed.
A child’s time in Primary School is very special, whether they are taking their first steps away from mum and dad or preparing to move onto their next phase of education in the Upper Secondary Section or in other schools around the world. We are proud of our commitment to making their experience during their time with us rewarding and positive
We trust that, as you browse through the Primary Section of the site, you’ll find answers to many questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.
Rex Geissler- Primary Head Teacher
Curriculum Overview - Early Years
A child’s early years are an exciting time of growth, learning and development. At BISJ, we put all our children aged between 2 and 5 years old at the centre of all our decisions and actions, and aim to nurture their holistic development including language and communication skills; emotional and social awareness; health and physical development; and learning. We recognise the unique pathway every child follows and respect the rate of progress each child makes.
The Nursery is the first experience many children have of a school setting. We begin by ensuring the children settle smoothly and that they and their parents feel safe and secure while becoming accustomed to the routines of Nursery life.
We believe that each child has unique capabilities and aim to provide a stimulating, challenging, but supportive environment through planned indoor and outdoor activities. Creativity is fostered through the use of a wide range of media and materials in messy, sensory or imaginative play and free choice activities. Language is developed through stories, singing, rhymes and by encouraging the children to communicate and express themselves at every opportunity.
The Nursery is a year of growth for the children where we endeavour to build the foundations of independence, cooperation and communication. We strive to develop a positive and open relationship with our parents as their support is essential if we are to achieve our aims in developing happy, confident individuals.
Year E
Year E
Year E
In YE we learn through play.
Every child is valued as an individual and our role is to support and meet the developmental needs of each child in our care by offering a wide range of appropriate learning opportunities. Our indoor and outdoor environments are carefully organised and equipped to support the interests of the children whilst also encouraging them to discover more about the world around them. We follow a child-initiated approach that allows the children to have ‘hands-on’ opportunities, enabling them to thrive and make good progress on their learning journey.
A partnership between parents and staff is a vital component in a child’s early education and, by working together, parents become a vital link between home and school. You will be actively involved with your child’s learning journey through our on-line observations using Tapestry.
The YE Team members have a wealth of experience from different backgrounds and are excited to be part of your child’s first steps towards becoming a life-long learner.
Year R
Year R
YR is an exciting year for children and teachers, alike. During the course of the year, the children further develop their understanding of the world through teacher-directed activities and child initiated play. In YR there is a strong focus on the children becoming independent, thoughtful and responsible members of the class. The children will learn to do more and more for themselves and begin to take more responsibility for themselves, their belongings and behaviour.
YR teachers recognise that every child is unique and arrives in YR at different starting points. With this in mind, class teachers and teaching assistants aim to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which activities and tasks are differentiated to ensure that all students can achieve success and make measurable progress. Throughout the year, YR children are encouraged to develop their fine and gross motor skills in preparation for learning to read and write sounds.
YR teachers endeavour to involve children in the assessment process, encouraging them to take an active role in their learning.
Curriculum Overview - Year 1 to Year 6
In Y1 to Y6 we pride ourselves on putting the students’ learning and well-being at the forefront of everything we do. While academics are of course incredibly important, we believe that providing an extensive broad-based curriculum where every child has the opportunity to flourish is essential for our students to become successful life-long learners.
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Y1 a great place to be!- Life in Year 1 aspires to being a fun, interactive, contemporary and kinaesthetic experience where every child is valued and part of an inclusive environment that endeavours to meet the individual learning needs of each child. The children are encouraged to develop independent thinking skills while also being guided and supported in their learning. All the children are exposed to a variety of learning experiences that enable them to access a well-planned curriculum. An easy and comfortable transition from Reception is evident as the children continue to experience creative play and social interaction during ‘area time’ that balances their focused learning throughout the day. The Integrated Theme Units help them to become inquirers, developing their natural curiosity of the world around them and enabling them to become independent learners while developing an understanding of how to be a team member. The children are part of an interesting international environment where empathy and respect is reinforced by the golden rule ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’.
Year 2
Year 2
Year 2
Year 2 children follow an exciting curriculum based on six integrated thematic units
An experienced and enthusiastic team work hard to ensure that learning is fun, and all students are successful and able to reflect on their own learning. Throughout the year students are introduced to and involved in, a number of activities to promote a positive attitude to learning and develop their confidence. An important and exciting milestone in Year 2 is to learn cursive writing.
They are assigned to house teams and take part in team activities such as Sports day. They also take part in Proud House day, where House Captains and Vice Captains from Upper Primary organise games for the children.
In Year 2, the children are encouraged to develop their independence and confidence. To enhance this development, all children take part in the End of Year Assembly where they have the opportunity to sing, dance, act or play a musical instrument with class performances for the parents.
We enjoy a couple of field trips linked to our thematic units to make the learning authentic to the children’s lives. At BISJ Y2 is a year of tremendous growth for each and every student.
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
In Year 3 we continue the children’s journey by building onto previous academic, personal and international learning. Learners within Year 3 are constantly busy learning, which also includes time for reflection and setting next steps for improvement.
Through our Live, Learn and Lead curriculum, children are encouraged to adopt the skills which guide them to become more responsible, organised and independent. These skills are then promoted through all areas of the school community.
There are a number of ‘firsts’ within their time at BISJ, these include: Class Assemblies within a formal setting, being able to frequent the Café, using a Home Learning Diary, and utilising different areas for Swimming, Music, Arabic, PE and Library.
Dinosaurs, Rainforests and Chocolate to name a few, are all vibrant, international themes which cross over many curricular areas. These are also enhanced by school trips, parental involvement and Outdoor Education.
Life in Year 3 never has a dull moment and is a year of wonderful learning for all involved.
Year 4
Year 4
Year 4
Year 4 – Have you ever wondered what it is like to be an inventor? Have you ever thought what life would be like without modern technology? How about the world of fashion and what it feels like to be a fashionista. Have you considered how your body works and what happens to you as you grow older, why we are good at some things and not at others? Have you felt an earthquake or small tremor in the ground? Have you seen a volcano erupt? Well in Year 4 we learn all about these things and much more. The Year 4 Integrated Thematic Units will help you to discover the answers to your very own questions. It includes a variety of exciting themes that incorporate history, geography, art and sometimes PE and music, where students are encouraged to become more independent and develop research skills that enable them to access knowledge from all areas. Guest speakers, trips and year group events are organised to complement each theme as it is investigated.
As our students transition to ever greater expectations, our Year 4 are expected to begin to take more responsibility for themselves and school routines and to set a positive example for younger students.
They begin to understand how they learn and focus on maintaining their strengths and developing personal targets. This is aided by the use of stimulating curriculum, developed and managed with each individual student in mind. Led by a dedicated team of committed and enthusiastic professionals the Year 4 curriculum ensures the learning experience is challenging, fun and exciting.
Year 5
Year 5
Year 5
In Year 5 children are empowered to develop within the concepts of
“Learning to live, Learning to learn and learning to lead”
The children learn to have a greater sense of responsibility in Year 5. As they are nearing the end of their primary school education, they need to become more independent in organising themselves and their materials in preparation for the day ahead. We combine a therapeutic approach in communicating with the children alongside the Live, Learn and Lead programme. This helps to enable them to cope with any stressful situations that they come across. The school’s golden rule ‘Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated,’ allows them to build positive relationships and develop empathy.
The curriculum has been designed to ensure rigorous learning but also to help teachers make learning exciting, active and meaningful for the children. Our Year 5 curriculum is composed of 4 ITUs throughout the year to ensure that the children gain a deeper comprehension of the knowledge, skills and understandings presented to them. In Year 5 the children should take advantage of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme which enhances their learning journey.
There is an exciting range of leadership roles available to the students such as the Student Council and the Primary Green Team. There are also many other opportunities in the class where the children get to demonstrate their leadership skills. Our Mile Post assemblies, for example, give the children an opportunity to show off their presentation skills and public speaking.
We aim to inspire a love of learning in order to equip the children with the skills they need to help them progress both now and in the future.
Year 6
Year 6
Year 6
Special Teacher/Student Relationships are at the heart of school life at BISJ. In our Y6 classes, we strive to cater to the needs of the individual and thus provide an education that is best suited to each child. Students are involved in decision making and can take on a greater degree of responsibility and leadership, such as becoming House Captains, playground leaders and being members of various committees in preparation for their transition to the Secondary Section.
In short, we provide a nurturing environment that addresses the needs of individual students, promotes confidence and self-esteem, and a sense of responsibility, making students feel valued while encouraging risk-taking and helping students to understand how much they can learn from their own mistakes. Such attitudes are crucial to future academic success, and it is imperative that they are embedded in the final years of their primary education. Student-centred assemblies further develop confidence, presentation skills and a sense of responsibility.
Academic skills, communication skills, life skills and physical challenges are combined in an environment of fun, vitality, excitement and action. Academic learning is important and enjoyable, but equally important are the qualities of kindness, understanding, honesty, courage and task commitment. Attitudes, not simply aptitudes, are important factors for success, as is the ability to encounter and overcome difficulties.
A challenging, yet supportive, learner-centred subject integrated curriculum is offered within a close-knit, caring and culturally diverse community. In Year 6, we bring out the best in all students and help them develop the capacity to meet the problems and challenges of life and the will to play the game against all the odds.
Music is often called a universal language and at BISJ we encourage students to immerse themselves in the musical universe.
Students from YN to Y6 receive a weekly music lesson from a specialist music teacher in one of two dedicated music rooms. In these lessons, children discover the musical elements of pitch, dynamics, rhythm, texture and timbre through singing, movement and the playing of instruments. Both Music classrooms are equipped with a wide variety of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments for children to play.
BISJ starts our Arabic language programme in YR (4 and 5 year olds) as a second language for all students. Each child receives four Arabic lessons a week led by our Arabic language specialist team. Upon reaching Year 2, we stream our students based upon their competency in the language extending those who may be native Arabic speakers and further exposing those who are beginners to the sounds, alphabet and richness of the language.
After School Activities
At BISJ we are proud to offer a wide range of different sports and arts activities that complement our compulsory curriculum.
Student Support
In seeking to provide the highest standard of education possible, BISJ provides tailored learning intervention programmes to support the development and consolidation of key skills that are essential to wider curriculum access. Learning intervention programmes are provided at no additional cost and students typically work in a small group setting to maximise learning engagement and progress.
Celebrating Our Host Country
As an International School, BISJ aims to embrace and value the learning opportunities afforded by its situation within Saudi Arabia. All our students in Year 5 and Year 6 have formal timetabled lessons when the history and geography of Saudi Arabia and Islamic Civilisation are studied and appreciated.
In addition, teachers and students actively seek to make connections to the host country’s culture, history and geography in the Integrated Thematic Units they study.
Primary Section Libraries
The Primary Section Libraries serve the community with an ever-growing collection of books, reference materials and online resources. The libraries are at the heart of the school and aim to promote and embrace a reading culture with all our families, nurturing curiosity and fostering research skills.
Home Learning
Home Learning can support student learning by:
- Developing independent learning, self-discipline, time management and organisational skills.
- Providing opportunities to practise and consolidate the skills introduced during the school day.
- Understanding how their in-class learning can be applied to their at-home world.
- Extending students’ knowledge of the world around them.
- Providing opportunities to learn more about individual interests.
Music is often called a universal language and at BISJ we encourage students to immerse themselves in the musical universe.
Students from YN to Y6 receive a weekly music lesson from a specialist music teacher in one of two dedicated music rooms. In these lessons, children discover the musical elements of pitch, dynamics, rhythm, texture and timbre through singing, movement and the playing of instruments. Both Music classrooms are equipped with a wide variety of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments for children to play.
Home Learning
Home Learning can support student learning by:
- Developing independent learning, self-discipline, time management and organisational skills.
- Providing opportunities to practise and consolidate the skills introduced during the school day.
- Understanding how their in-class learning can be applied to their at-home world.
- Extending students’ knowledge of the world around them.
- Providing opportunities to learn more about individual interests.
Student Support
In seeking to provide the highest standard of education possible, BISJ provides tailored learning intervention programmes to support the development and consolidation of key skills that are essential to wider curriculum access. Learning intervention programmes are provided at no additional cost and students typically work in a small group setting to maximise learning engagement and progress.
Celebrating Our Host Country
As an International School, BISJ aims to embrace and value the learning opportunities afforded by its situation within Saudi Arabia. All our students in Year 5 and Year 6 have formal timetabled lessons when the history and geography of Saudi Arabia and Islamic Civilisation are studied and appreciated.
In addition, teachers and students actively seek to make connections to the host country’s culture, history and geography in the Integrated Thematic Units they study.
After School Activities
At BISJ we are proud to offer a wide range of different sports and arts activities that complement our compulsory curriculum.
Primary Section Library
The Primary Section Libraries serve the community with an ever-growing collection of books, reference materials and online resources. The libraries are at the heart of the school and aim to promote and embrace a reading culture with all our families, nurturing curiosity and fostering research skills.
BISJ starts our Arabic language programme in YR (4 and 5 year olds) as a second language for all students. Each child receives four Arabic lessons a week led by our Arabic language specialist team. Upon reaching Year 2, we stream our students based upon their competency in the language extending those who may be native Arabic speakers and further exposing those who are beginners to the sounds, alphabet and richness of the language.